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A Criminal Conviction Can Impact Your Career

If you are facing criminal charges you might feel the most important considerations are for your upcoming case. You may also be tempted to plead to lesser charges to avoid missing time from work if you are employed. There are unfortunately some long-term consequences to consider if you believe missing time from your job is the most important issue.

You could lose your job — A conviction on a felony charge or even some misdemeanors could result in termination from your current job. Many companies and industries will not hire or retain people with criminal records. Many companies have clauses written in their employee contracts that permit them to terminate employees if they are convicted while working for those companies. Pleading guilty to lesser charges may not eliminate the risk of losing your job, especially if your company still believes you are guilty of the more serious original charges.

If you think not telling your current employer is the best option, this could also result in your termination. Failure to notify them of a conviction can be cause for termination, and some employers run background checks on their employees as part of their annual employee reviews. Your conviction could also be reported by another employee or the company could read about it in a local newspaper.

If affects your future employment — A criminal conviction will follow you around well into the future. Many companies will not hire anyone with a criminal record. Moving to another state to avoid a criminal record rarely works in today’s world of digital record keeping. The consequences of a criminal conviction can impact you for years to come.

The Dunn Law Firm in Sarasota is dedicated to your criminal defense. We promise to provide you aggressive and thorough criminal defense from minor to serious criminal charges. We can help you get charges reduced or dropped, and can assist with the process of sealing or expunging your criminal records if you are eligible, making it easier to get jobs in the future. Contact the Dunn Law Firm today at 941-866-4352 any time of day or night.

Criminal Attorney Sarasota FL

Follow These Steps and Call the Dunn Law Firm for Your Criminal Defense

If you are facing criminal charges, there is a series of steps to follow in your defense case. Following these steps can help you prepare for your case and educate yourself with information related to the decisions you may have to make. Learn about the criminal defense steps by reading on.

The first step in a criminal case is the arrest or the notices, followed by the booking. If you do not respond to notices, you can be arrested and booked. Then, the first court appearance takes place with 72 hours of arrest. If you do not get bailed out during your first day in jail, you will have a first appearance in court. This appearance, also called the advisory, is where a judge can set your bond amount and advise you on the charges you are facing.


Following the advisory is the arraignment. The arraignment takes place 30 to 60 days after the first court appearance. During the arraignment, a plea is given. The three plea options are not guilty, guilty, and no contest. After a plea, formal charges can go into effect between one and 90 days after the arraignment. A discovery then happens within 30 days, followed by the potential of an early resolution or pretrial intervention. A motion to suppress can also happen before pretrial.

Following the pretrial, individuals can go through a hearing, a plea deal, depositions, a trial, and the sentencing. During these steps, you may want to work with a lawyer from the Dunn Law Firm. Contact us to work with an attorney who is dedicated to helping you defend your case. Our team at Adam Dunn Law is professional, skilled, and available to take your case. To talk to an attorney now, call us at 941-866-4352.

Can a Minor Be Charged with a Felony?

When a minor is arrested, parents and guardians are understandably concerned about what the future holds for them. Is the trial process the same one that adults go through, or are children and adolescents subject to different rules and regulations? The answer is that circumstances and specific charges are important here, but felony charges are a possibility when minors commit serious crimes.



Many minors find themselves in juvenile court when they break the law. This court system focuses on rehabilitation so that the minors in question can grow up and avoid legal issues. This differs from adult courts, where the focus is more on punishment and protecting the public from violent or dangerous criminals. With that said, there are a few crimes that could land a minor in the adult legal system and result in felony charges under certain circumstances. These include:

  • Sexual Battery
  • Murder
  • Carjacking
  • Strong-Armed or Armed Robbery
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Burglary
  • Aggravated Battery
  • Home-Invasion Robbery


If the minor in question has committed one of the above crimes and meets a few other requirements, they could be tried in adult court. This means that they will be subject to the same laws designed to punish criminals and protect the general public that adults face. This isn’t the most common experience that most minors have, however it is a very real possibility nonetheless. And if the minor is convicted, they could face an extended prison or jail sentence.


The most important thing you can do for a loved one that is facing potential felony charges is to invest in an experienced attorney. This is especially true when the person in question is a minor that could potentially have the entire trajectory of their lives changed. Reach out to the Dunn Law Firm today at 941-866-4352 or visit our office at 49 N. East Avenue
Sarasota, FL 34237.

What You Should Know about DUI and Implied Consent

Florida is among several states that have passed “implied consent” laws. Implied consent laws relate to arrests for driving under the influence, also known as DUIs. To learn what you need to know about DUIs and implied consent, just continue reading this blog post.


A police officer can pull over drivers who appear to be under the influence. When an officer pulls over a driver, they have the right to request the driver take tests to prove if they are in fact under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you are lawfully arrested, you have given your implied consent to take a blood, breath, or urine test to determine your blood alcohol content, or BAC.

With the implied consent law, officers also have the ability to request multiple tests from one driver. For example, an officer can ask a potentially impaired driver for a blood test and a breath test at the time of the traffic stop.

If a driver refuses to take any of these tests, there are immediate consequences. An officer should make a driver aware of these consequences at the time of the traffic stop. When refusing a test, an individual can have their license suspended, the refusal of the test can be used against them in court, and a subsequent refusal can count as a misdemeanor.

The first time an individual is pulled over and refuses these tests, they receive a one year license suspension. A second-time offense results in an 18-month license suspension and additional consequences are possible, such as misdemeanor charges and jail time.

Even though individuals have the right to refuse a test, they can still face jail time. Additionally, just because a person refuses their test doesn’t mean they won’t be charged for a DUI. If you or someone you know has been arrested for a DUI, contact Adam Dunn Law. Speak with an attorney now when you call us at 941-866-4352.

Implited Consent and DUI in Sarasota, FL

Let Us Help with Your Personal Injury Compensation

If you have been seriously injured in an accident, Adam Dunn Law wants to help you. Anyone who has been seriously injured in an accident that resulted from negligence is entitled to fair compensation for their costs related to their injuries and pain. Learn more about how Adam Dunn Law can help you by reading on.

Victims in a personal injury case may be entitled to a variety of compensations. Some of the things that victims in a personal injury case can be entitled to include medical costs already incurred, lost income due to missed work time, inability to participate in or enjoy certain activities, potential for future health conditions that stem from their injury, loss of support or replacement services, and so on.

A serious injury can be catastrophic, terrifying, and life-changing. Mr. Dunn at The Dunn Law Firm understands that and wants to help you in any way possible. Through his experience and knowledge, Mr. Dunn can help guide you along the path to recovery.

When it comes to selecting an auto accident attorney, you want to find someone who is skilled and has your best interests in mind. You also want to find someone who is dedicated to providing you with an adequate settlement. These qualities are all qualities you can find at Adam Dunn Law. If you’ve been in an accident, faced serious injuries, and need help, Adam Dunn Law is here. Contact us for the assistance you need when it comes to receiving compensation for your accident and moving through the legal process. To get in touch with The Dunn Law Firm, contact us by phone at 941-866-4352. By calling this number, you can talk to an attorney now! You can also visit our location at 3100 Southgate Circle Suite A in Sarasota.

Personal Injury Lawyer in Sarasota, FL